Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I do not understand this term
It always has a bittersweet sort of a connotation attached to it. Memories consist of a package of your life you have so far lived. The good the bad the ugly the pretty experiences, beliefs , words and thoughts. And sometimes you need to want to run away from everything and wish you could start all over again. Your memories teach you a lot , yet how often do we actually learn from them? Are they actually supposed to teach you something or do they just form this part of your past you lived?
I find myself pondering over years of friendships made and lost, relationships, family everything. Every memory has a memory attached to it. Is it ever possible to leave everything behind , forget everything and move on ever? Can we ever really detach ourselves from our beings? Sometimes, a lesson taught in a memory makes you wanna leave that part of your life and stop creating more of the same.

What happens when you decide you do not want more memories?

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely philosophical piece. I like the narrative you use. Thannks for visiting my blog and for your comments as well.
